Well alright ladies and gentlemen another week has gone by and it´s been up and down all around look at my pinky gee you´re stinky.
I´m feeling the pressure of being in a trio, and having two sectors. And not finding new families. Dang it´s hard. It´s like everyone just isn´t interested or somethin. Or I´m ugly. Let´s go with the first shall we? But yeah this week we´ve been having a spot of bad luck here and there. Well mostly Elder Bloxham. He clogged our toilet, broke my camera, and got our frisbee stuck on the roof. And we can´t find families. And don´t worry about the camera I´ve taken it apart and I´m fixing it the best I can..... and if not well it´s broken as it is. And Elder Andrade is saying we don´t respect him as a leader, but won´t tell us how we´re not respecting him. And I don´t know what the daggly dooda is goin on so I just keep my mouth shut and walk behind them. Oi.
But the lessons were alright. I hope. We found one William that was a really good lesson, I felt the Spirit anyway. Or so I hope. I dunno I´m not like Channing and can tell 100% of the time if ít´s the spirit or if I have heart burn. It´s a problem I tell ya.
But hey Cambria rock on for leading music. I´ve only recently learned how to kinda do it here. But we´re alright
And Channing my dreams are always strange now that I´m on the mission. I was going to visit Grandma Jackson on a boat to Riobamba, where she lives now, with Taylor but then Simon Bolivar attacked so we left and went to some castle where there were a lot of people with only half bodies, and horses pooping, and dark. So I contacted in there but then I saw Dad working on Mitchell Wilson who didn´t have any skin and Dad was moving his guts around. I was quite disturbed after that one.
Um, what else happened this week? We ended up having to leave Family Chimbo, I don´t know why but attending church is one of the biggest problems we have with our investigators. They work or have fear of attending. And here is the opposite now of Channing, the sun is out all the time now. It´s madness. I think with high school sports, rouging, and my mission, I have a pretty good chance of getting skin cancer when I´m older. I´m using sunscreen when we leave but sometimes it´s not enough. Sooo.... I believe it might be grim when I´m old. C´ezt la vie mon ami. Oh man Í can´t remember how to spell that. Asi es.
Alright I shall send a letter to Wendy and Larry. I have a letter ready to send to you Mom with a lettter to you guys, Grandma Bagwell, and Ty. But I´ll wait to send it a little longer to write the others.
But yeah we´re living I guess. And that´s all I really have to say this week. Not feelin much.... I gave a talk in sacrament meeting sobre diligencia. That was alright. First time I didn´t have enough time to share everything. But we´re trying to get the rama to really start helping us, because we´re dying here without that other missionary. Too many places to be too far. We´re walking like mad men. Then my toe hurt, and had pus. So I thought of Dad and his little foot operations he would do on himself so I tried to do the same. I was sore the next day. But it doesn´t hurt anymore!! Hoorah for prayer and sharp objects.
So what IS Blake and Dad doing? I don´t know anything of their lives. What the heck is goin on over there?!?! I´m aight. Living the life. And waiting for my compañeros to finish writing President. I already did.
And this computer doesn´t have a SD thing so I can´t finish downloading pictures. Sorry.... I´ll try another time.
Wish I had some awesome missionary story to tell ya folks but I don´t! So let´s not pretend! I´m out here walking around a lot, talking to a lot of people that don´t want to change, but we push forward. Moroni 9:6. Have a short time but we know that there´s somebody out there waiting. We just gotta find them.
And that´s what we shall do. So I´m just gonna finish this up and say love you all, appreciate you all, love your letters, hate mine, but that´s the way the buzzard´s butt looks.
Rock on and have a lovely week!
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